Boy, this is kind of depressing to read. We're facing the same cliff for local American car manufacturers that happened when the Japanese flooded our market.

Hubris just can't be hammered out of our psyche, can it? Tesla's stupid decisions for self-driving and investing in that vanity project cyber truck are really coming home to roost, it seems.

On the other hand, re: China's robust state support for those companies--is there any data you can provide on how much each of these Chinese car manufacturers are getting directly from the state over the past few years (interested in seeing how much is flowing, and whether there have been changes over time to specific manufacturers, or less money over time)? How long can the Chinese govt afford to foot the bill? I'm thinking this might become like the banking/real estate bubble. At some point it has got to break. They cannot back these manufacturers indefinitely--or can they?

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Elon muscled his way into being the face of the Tesla revolution and has now done his very best to bring into disrepute the brand by way of his self-serving indolence at the shareholders expense - but his personal benefit - for which said shareholders rewarded him for his destructive diligence in prioritising his own agenda over those who regard him as a genius. In that sense it's true. It takes a true genius to take down so many for so much for so long .....and be still loved for it.

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All this focus on government support for Chinese auto makers is just a bit myopic. GM and Ford were on the verge of bankruptcy when President Obama bailed them out in the global financial crisis. The UK government (rather poorly) intervened regularly to support UK Car manufacturers. In short name a large car manufacturer that at some time or another has not received State support?

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